Core Golf Workout For A Power Golf Swing
A core golf workout that produces a power golf swing is one that focuses on rotation. The primary movement in the golf swing is rotating your upper body back, then rotating it through to the finish. That is why it is critical you implement exercises that involve rotational strength and flexibility.
There is a lot of confusion with golfers on what to focus on when trying to improve power in the golf swing. Your power comes from your core. Just like in any other sport, your core is the engine to the swing.
Participating in a core golf workout for more power in your golf swing does not take fancy equipment or for that matter a lot of time. Getting creative with what you have laying around your house or even your office will do just fine.
A good example is at your office. You’re sitting in your chair in front of your computer and your back gets stiff. Don’t just let it get stiffer, do a rotational stretch right there on the spot in your chair. Reach around the back of your chair with one hand, and leverage the other hand against your thighs to rotate as far as you can. Hold it for 10 seconds and go to the other side.
How simple was that? Try it right now as you’re reading this article!
That would be considered one exercise for your core golf workout that will improve your power golf swing.
Do this several times a day, and try to rotate farther each time you do it. You’ll notice you can go much further the more you do it.
How about a strength exercise for your core?
Get creative. Grab anything you have in your home or office that you can hold in your hands. While sitting or standing, extend your arms straight out in front of you and while looking straight ahead, rotate with your arms as far as you can to the right holding this object. Now rotate to the left. Do this a total of 20 times.
You’ll notice you will be able to rotate farther and farther after each rotation!
How hard was that? No gym. No fancy equipment. Just a can of soup, or even a half gallon of milk. If you’ve got some hand weights gathering dust, that’s even better. Try to increase your weight as time goes on.
Hopefully you’re getting the idea of what a core golf workout is that will improve your power golf swing quickly.
As a golfer, always pay attention to the physical requirements of the golf swing. What position your body is in. What movement your body goes through. And at what rate of speed.
When you approach your golf exercise and golf stretching program with this mindset you’re on your way to a power golf swing that will be the envy of your foursome.
You should also focus on our back. It is one of the most common golf injuries so strengthening it will definitely help your game.
Back Exercise And Golf Are Synonymous
Back exercise and golf. Doesn’t that sound like a common denominator? Of all the injuries in golf, the low back is by far the highest one.
To explain why doing back exercise for golf is important, a golfer needs to understand why.
The golf swing is one of the most (if not the most) stressful movements on the lower back. Picture this. You’re in a static position at the start; then you try to rotate your upper body as far as you can go, while keeping the lower body as stable as you can.
This movement all by itself puts tremendous stress on the lower back. If you have a lower level of rotational flexibility, you are at HIGH RISK for low back injuries. You may even have one as we speak.
Now picture having the strength to ‘uncoil’ that backswing, maintaining your golf posture at between 80-100 mph. If you have not participated in a back exercise for golf, you will not be able to generate any power at impact, therefore your driving distance is inadequate.
Does this sound familiar?
It should. I see this all the time on the golf course. Especially with the senior golfers. They have physically declined over the years and have not done any back exercise for golf and can’t generate any clubhead speed.
There is hope!
To remove the threat of low back injury and improve your ability to turn back and turn through with power, you just need to do a couple of simple back exercises for golf.
One example of a back exercise for golf that you should be doing several times a day is what I call the Lying Leg Crossover.
Here’s what you do:
- Lie on your back with your legs extended.
- Raise one leg and bend at the knee to 90 degrees and the hip to 90 degrees.
- Cross that leg over extended leg, while opposite shoulder stays on ground.
- Go until slight pull in butt and lower back.
- Hold and repeat once more.
- Switch legs and do opposite side.
- This is a very simple back exercise for golf and no equipment is required.
Just do this back exercise for golf religiously and you’ll see a HUGE improvement!
Core Golf Workout For A Power Golf Swing: Conclusion
Working on your core and back both in terms of strength and flexibility should do wonders for your game and quality of life in general.
You should be able to hit the ball further, practice for longer periods and reduce your risk of injury.
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